This Kansas Farmer Fought A Government Program To Keep His Farm Sustainable
Ensia, December 5, 2016
When federal crop insurance rules stymied Gail Fuller’s attempts to innovate, he knew something had to change.
Contact Kristin Ohlson for readings, talks, writing projects, etc.
Ensia, December 5, 2016
When federal crop insurance rules stymied Gail Fuller’s attempts to innovate, he knew something had to change.
Orion Magazine, March/April 2016 Volume 35, Number 2
Rick Haney, gangly and garrulous, paces in front of a congregation of government conservationists, working the room for laughs before he gets to the hard data. The U.S. Department of Agriculture soil scientist points to an aerial photograph of research plots outside his facility in Temple, Texas. “Our drones took this shot,” he says, then shakes his head. “Kidding. We don’t have any drones.”
Entrepreneur Magazine, September 2006
Entrepreneurs create jobs and opportunities while making money in Afghanistan.
Oberlin Alumi Magazine, Spring 2005, Vol. 100, No.4
Young alums hope to take on two tough problems in the City of Oberlin: affordable housing and flat retail sales.